Public Policy on Venture Capital and Innovation (“PPF”)
PPF Documents
PPF Presentations
Documents and Research Papers
- Ensley, Hmieleski - 2005 - Performance University Based Startups
- Fehder, Hochberg - Accelerators
- Harris, Jenkinson, Kaplan - 2013 - Private Equity Performance - What do we Know
- Kaplan, Schoar - 2005 - Performance Returns, Persistence and Capital Flows
- Kovner, Lerner - Doing Well By Doing Good
- Lerner, Fang - Direct Investment in Private Equity
- Lerner, Gompers, Kovner, Scharfstein - Performance Persistence
- Markman, Phan, Balkin, Gianiodis - 2005 - E-ship and Tech Transfer
- McAdam, McAdam - High Tech Start-ups in University Science Park Incubators
- Metrick, Yasuda - The Econcomics of PE Funds
PPF Documents
PPF Presentations
Documents and Research Papers
- Agrawal Catalini, Goldfarb - June 2013 - Crowdfunding
- Azoulay, Graff, Zivin, Manso - 2011 - Rand Incentives and Creativity
- Bernstein, Giroud, Townsend - 2013
- Brander, Du, Hellmann GVC - 2013
- Chemmanur, Hull, Krishnan - 2011 - Local and Intl VCs
- Goldfarb, Hoberg, Kirsch, Triantis - 2013 - Are Angels different
- Harris, Jenkinson, Kaplan - 2013 - JF Forthcoming Private Equity Performance - What do we Know
- Hellmann and Thiele - 2013 - Angel and VC Markets
- Hellmann, Schure, Vo - 15-11-09
- Jenkinson, Sousa, Stucke - 2013 - How Fair are Valuations
- NACO - 2012 - Angel Investing Activity Web Infographic
- NACO - 2012 - Report on Angel Investing Activity in Canada
- Nanda, Rhodes, Kroff, JFE - 2013 - Investment Cycles and Start-up Innovation
- OECD - 2011 - Angel Financing Publication
- OECD - 2013 - Seed and Early Finance
- Robinson, Sensoy - 2013 - RFS Forthcoming Do PE Fund Managers Earn their Fees
- Sorenson, Stuart - Syndication Networks and the Spatial Distribution
- Vo, Dan - 2013 - Geography of Angel Investment
PPF Documents
PPF Presentations
Documents and Research Papers
- Gompers, Kovner, Lerner and Scharfstein - 2008 - Venture Capital Investment Cycles
- Loughran, Ritter - Why Has IPO Underpricing Changed Over Time
- Ritter, Welch - A Review of IPO Activity, Pricing, and Allocation
- Lee, Wahal - Grandstanding, certification and the underpricing of VC backed IPOs
- Brav, Gompers - Myth or Reality - Underperformance of IPOs
- Gompers - Grandstanding in the VC Industry
- Lerner - Venture Capitalists and the Decision to Go Public
- Gompers, Lerner - VC Distributions
- Nanda, Rhodes, Kropf - Investment cycles and startup innovation
- Iliev - 2012 - The Effects of SOX
- Lamoreaux, Levenstein, Sokoloff - Financing Invention during the second industrial revolution
- Wong, Bhatia, Freeman - Angel Finance - The Other VC
- Wong - Angel Finance
- Kerr, Lerner, Schoar, RFS - 2011 - Angels discontinuity
- Agrawal, Catalini, Goldfarb - 2011 - Geography of crowdfunding
- Lerner - Venture Capitalists and the Oversight of Private Firms
- Hellmann, Puri - The Interaction Between Product Market and Financing Strategy - The Role of VC RFS
- Hellmann, Puri - The Professionalization of Start-Up Firms
- Hsu - What Do Entrepreneurs Pay for VC Affiliation
PPF Documents
PPF Presentations
Documents and Research Papers
- Bozkaya, Kerr, Labor - Regulation and European
- Brander, Du, Hellmann - The Effects of Government: Sponsored Venture Capital
- Da Rin, Hellmann, Puri - A Survey of Venture Capital Research
- Dyck, Pomorski - Is Bigger Better? Size and Performance in Pension Plan Management
- Fleming, Marx, Singh - Non Compete Agreements and brain drain
- Gompers, Kovner, Lerner and Scharfstein - 2008 - Venture Capital Investment Cycles
- Gompers, Lerner - The Really Long-Run Performance of Initial Public Offerings
- Hochberg, Rauh - Local Overwighting and Underperformance
- Kaplan, Schoar - Private Equity Performance: Returns, Persistance and Capital Flows
- Kaplan, Lerner - JACF
- Kerr, Lerner, Schoar - The Consequences of Entrepreneurial Finance: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis
- Lerner, Schoar and Wongsunwai - 2007 - Smart Institutions, Foolish Choices
- Rebuilding the IPO On-Ramp
- Robinson, Sensoy - Cyclicality: Performance Measurement and Cash Flow
PPF Documents
PPF Presentations
Documents and Research Papers